So here are some photos from two rolls of Fujifilm Superia 400 shot with my Olympus Stylus Zoom. I got this camera from a friend years ago and it just sat on the shelf. It’s funny how in the midst of a film shortage in 2022 I thought it would be neat to roll around with a small film camera to capture fun not so serious moments. Portra and 400H are a bit too much right now in my opinion, but luckily Walmart still carries the 3 pack of Fuji Superia X-Tra 400.
All photos scanned on the Epson and I really tried to color correct the photos with the same software I use for my normal digital gear. Being a point and shoot style camera, the framing takes a little getting use to. For the first roll I shot as I how I saw things, until I realized there were slight markings to compensate for parallax. The second roll I compensated too much, framing things in the lower left hand corner, thinking it would be more accurate, but to be honest I think the normal viewfinder is correct enough.
The first roll was random family stuff and also see if the camera still worked (which it obviously does!). It takes just one CR123A battery which can be bought for cheap at Best Buy. The annoying thing about most point and shoots is that the flash is always primed when you first turn it on. It takes a few button presses to disable it. The flash is pretty bright, and obviously adds a different light color to whatever the film is already. For Fuji 400 the magentas are definitely strong in skintones. The reds of lunar new year are crazy vibrant though and I really like that about this film.
(Most of these film photos are the shots I took alongside digital, which you can see in my previous posts. It’s not going to look exactly like the prints we would get from the lab ages ago, but close enough for this digital world.)
So on the second roll of 36 exposures I would say I got about 24 good ones. This camera with its tiny aperture lens makes pictures that recall micro 4/3rds in the digital world, which is not a bad thing. As a small camera that weighs nothing I would say it’s worth it to always have in the bag. The world’s going crazy over the luxury point and shoots with prime 35mm 2.8’s but this one is an oddity with an absurdly long zoom.
Since I’ve seen what the Fuji does in this camera, maybe I’ll put black and white in it for the next month or so. The inherent nature of film cameras is that the “sensor” can be swapped out with every roll of film so its like getting a new camera with limitations and possibilities all at once.
What else have I shot with this camera? Read onward!
Olympus Stylus Epic Zoom 170 Roll 5&6 + Fujifilm