Photo Outing – 02-06-2022 – Caffeine and Octane and Dragon Dance

Sunday was no real plan, just stop by a few events, drive around and shoot some film.

Was late to the monthly Caffeine and Octane car show, but there were a few unique cars left that were worthy of a few frames of precious film.  We also stopped by to see the Lion and Dragon Dance in front of the jewelry store and Sweet Hut on Asian Square.

Today I rolled with two film cameras, and an RP with a lens baby and my normal Df.

I will have to say, for all its faults, the Canon RP has a very fast memory card read speed.  The pictures are normal and decent enough, but scrolling through them makes for an interesting stop motion video like feature!  The lens baby I have is the plunger kind that needs some force to get anything far away in focus, so its a bit tiresome to hold focus.  What doesn’t work in a still frame actually becomes kinda cool as a “video.”

As always, shot more than enough digital photos, but barely managed a half roll in between the film cameras. Hopefully by next week I can have something to share.

Canon EOS RP – Scrolling fast through photos looks like a movie!

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