Thanks to Robbie for developing this super old roll of Kodak Gold 400. Think it was sitting in my F100 for at least 6 years (and might have expired well before then!). My how time flies. Below are samples of what I got!
These are DSLR scans (D600 and 105mm Micro converted in Capture NX2), so they aren’t really indicative of the smoothness, color, and quality of film. It’s really a long process to get rid of the orange mask/blue color tint, so I just went with it and tried to make images that recall a different era. I’ll repost again when I have access to real flatbed or lab scans.
The original images were shot with a Nikon F100 and 85mm 1.4D.
Nikon F100 + 85mm 1.4D + Expired Kodak Gold 400
This one was actually “scanned” with a Sigma Foveon camera. Been trying to figure out all options.