Fujifilm GFX 50S + Nikon 105mm f/1.4E

With all the buzz around the new Nikon Z 135mm f/1.8 Plena, I thought I’d exercise some self control and instead tinker with my existing “free” combos.  Here are some sample portraits and photos with the Nikon 105mm 1.4E on the Fuji GFX 50S.  It’s mounted with a simple dummy adapter, the one I use […]

Nikon D700 + 105mm 1.4E

All this time I totally forgot about trying the 105mm 1.4E on the classic D700.  This lens usually stays forever mounted on my other main body.  Always wide open at f/1.4 because well, that’s where this lens shines annnd because the D610 sensor is so dusty every speck shows up at smaller apertures. The D700 […]

Sunday Funday + Bonus Rainbow!

Thanks to Chalita and her dad for randomly stopping by the other day!  Here are some photos from a somewhat spontaneous mini adventure.  The rainbow was definitely unplanned, but for Georgia in the summer, it always has to shower unexpectedly somewhere.  Stepped out of the house with 3 cameras, and 3 different lenses.  Nikon D610 […]

Nikon 105mm 1.4E on F100 and Fuji Superia 400

Before the hurricane and tropical depression rolled in we were on our way to a nice colorful fall down here in Georgia.  But as usual, the wind and rain knocked down so much of the foliage around me.  I did manage to squeeze in some film shots alongside the normal digitals.  It’s still fun to […]

Olivia – Fall Portraits – 2022-10-08

Thanks to Olivia, Nadia and Mena for the great collaborative senior photo shoot! It was really fun exploring and shooting in a totally new (to me) area.  Crazy how two hours north of Atlanta can have such different color this early in October.  Great job team!  Here are a few photo highlights of our day, […]

Binders Artist Talk – Ross Rossini – 2022-08-18

Binders Art Supplies and Frames | Buckhead | Atlanta, GA www.bindersart.com | www.rossinfineart.com So glad I attended the Ross Rossin artist talk at Binders (Peachtree Road) last night.  Lots of great wisdom and life tips from a modern day master. I definitely need to get back into drawing as I’m super rusty! 😭 It was […]

Momocon 2022 Photos and a walk around Atlanta

This past Memorial Day weekend was full of events down here in Atlanta.  Almost too much and the traffic proved it.  Here’s a few of the things one could have attended on Saturday alone: Jazz Fest at Piedmont Park, Momocon, an Atlanta United game, Caribbean Festival in Central Park, a Vegan food festival, an R&B […]

Lao New Year 2022 – Pageant Reunion – Alto, GA

Wat Lao Buddha Sattha Dhamma Sunday May 22, 2022 | Alto, GA It was a short stay on Sunday, but very cool idea on having a pageant winner reunion! Gear Used: Canon EOS RP and Nikon 105mm 1.4E (all manual focus!), Fuji X100, and Olympus E-M1, rolling with odd gear on this very hot and […]

Arabia Mountain and Other Spots – 2022-03-27

This is what it looks like this year on Arabia Mountain and other random spots around town.  Banh Mi on that flowering oasis spot seems to be a tradition, I hadn’t done that since ages ago with Christine. 🙂  Thanks to Byung and Claudia for taking my picture!  The flowers and desert plants truly are […]

Monday Funday – 2022-03-21

Today was a quick fun shoot with the blooming peach tree and a surprise trip to the carnival! Hard to believe I’ve known this superstar since she was a “baby potato!” Cotton Candy and Del Taco for dinner?! Truly the life of a star. 🙂  

Suwanee Classic Car Show – November 7, 2021

This past sunday was the annual classic car show in Suwanee Town center (www.suwanee.com). It’s been a great start to fall thus far with the brisk mornings, fall colors, and of course the Atlanta Braves! I’ll try to post more going forward since I’ve been shooting with almost all the random gear in my fleet.  […]

Nikon 105mm 1.4E on F100 and Portra 160

Film will always have a certain pull on me.  Even though I have tons of digital cameras that will produce instant pictures that I can edit immediately, the texture and process of film is something unique in this era.  One combo I haven’t seen any photographer online use is the Nikon 105mm 1.4E on a […]

Talento Latino Modeling School Unique Fashion Show 2020

Talento Latino Modeling SchoolUnique Fashion Show 2020 – 10th AnniversaryDecember 20, 2020  | La Mansion Event Hall  |  Chamblee, GA Thanks to everyone who posed for pictures! 🙂  These are a few images that caught my eye. Event Photos: Boon Vong

Spring in Georgia 2020

Well, with all that’s going on in the world right now, at least it’s looking really pretty out there… 🙃  

Canon EOS RP and Nikon 105mm 1.4E

One way I get through our wacky Georgia winters is that I mess around with my various oddball camera and lens combos.  The Nikon 105mm 1.4E is my main portrait lens that lives on my Nikon bodies, but for this quick Sunday hangout, I thought it would be fun to see what it can do […]

Snow in Georgia 2020

The weather here in Georgia can be so weird.  After 70 degree days, rain, and floods, we had a short but amazing snowfall on the morning of Sat February 8, 2020! Luckily none of it turned to ice on the roads and we got a nice backdrop for yet another spontaneous photo/food adventure!

Miss Vietnam Georgia 2020

Miss Vietnam Georgia and Lunar New Year  |  January 26, 2020  |  Space Ballroom Norcross, GAVietnamese American Association of Georgia www.vac-ga.orgEvent Photography by Boon Vong (& Friends!) 🙂 Thanks for making it this far! 🙂  I wasn’t there the entire day so I missed two outfits and the fashion show, but these were the good […]

Atlanta Photo Walk | #grammeet | 10-27-2019

Hi there everyone!  Apparently there’s this new thing called Instagram. 😉  Thanks to @lawrsonpinson for organizing and hosting.  Thanks to models/bubble tea/dance partners Chalita – @chalitanata and Rachel – @rachelmarchman for the invite, and also breaking character and having fun photos as usual.  Also thanks to Brittany – @justbeburke, I really liked the images we […]

Faces of TEA Walk 2019

Faces of TEA Walk 2019 Together Empowering Asian Americanswww.teawalk.org Hosted and Organized by CPACSCenter for Pan Asian Community Services, Doraville, GA This was my 11th(?) year covering or just stopping by the event. I couldn’t stay the whole time, so this year I decided to just capture faces and portraits of my diverse community here […]

Atlanta Asian Film Festival Opening – 10-11-2019

2019 Atlanta Asian Film Festival Opening www.atlaff.org October 11, 2019  |  Technology Park  |  Norcross, GA Thanks to Li Wong and the volunteers for another great opening with tons of Asian Cuisine!! Hi! My name is Boon. I’m an Atlanta based Artist. I draw, I take pictures! I’ve been covering events and documenting the multi […]

2019 US-PAACC SE 3rd DiA Gala Photos

Diversity in Action  |  Saturday October 5, 2019  |  Georgia Aquarium  |  Atlanta, GA Event Photography by Boon Vong and Thomas Cannon A sampling of photos from Saturday’s great event.  The rest of the images can be found on the US-PAACC SE FB soon. Hi! My name is Boon. I’m an Atlanta based Artist. I […]

Japan Fest 2019 Photos

Japan Fest 2019 | Gwinnett Forum | Saturday, September 21, 2019 Notes: Konnichi Wa!  Another jam packed weekend at Japan Fest right down the street.  I hadn’t been in several years, but good to see that this cultural festival still brings in guests by the tens of thousands.  A lot of these images are of […]

Atlanta Dragon Boat Festival 2019 Photos

Atlanta Dragon Boat Festival  |  Saturday September 7, 2019  |  Olympic Venue Clark’s Bridge  |  Gainesville, GA Congrats to our friends, the Mekong Dragons for winning this year’s Atlanta Dragon Boat Race! (And we also placed in the top 10 out of 80 teams! Finally after 14 years of participating!!) Event Coverage from the perspective […]

Dragon Con 2019 Photos – Set 1

It was a fun 3 days at Dragon Con this year! Here are some of my random portraits and event photos.  I’ll slowly but surely be adding more posts.  Thanks again to all the great people who posed, or stopped to chat about nerdery and photography. 🙂 I’m sorry I didn’t get everyone’s info.  (Dragon […]

Imaging USA Expo 2019 Atlanta and Canon EOS R Sample Raws

The last Imaging USA Expo that I attended was in 2013(!).  Technology has really changed since then: 3 axis gimbals hadn’t even hit the market yet, and Sony was still a relatively minor player in the world of still cameras.  My how things have changed!  I went hoping that Nikon had a booth so I […]

Talento Latino Modeling School Unique Fashion Show 2018

Talento Latino Modeling School Unique Fashion Show 2018 October 21, 2018  | La Mansion Event Hall  |  Chamblee, GA Thanks to everyone who posed for pretty pictures! 🙂 Hi! My name is Boon. I’m an Atlanta based Artist. I draw, I take pictures! I’ve been covering events and documenting the multi ethnic Asian Pacific Islander […]