Canon EOS RP Follow Up Review

So I’ve had the Canon EOS RP for 9 months now.  I think that’s enough time to give a pretty good opinion on the strengths and weaknesses of this camera.  I’ve found that you really have to “live” with a camera or lens combo for a good long time to figure out what it’s best […]

Duluth, GA – Fall Festival 2019

Duluth Fall Festival | (Always the Last weekend in September!) | September 28, 2019 It has been a long hot summer down here in Georgia, and pretty much everywhere else too it seems.  Let’s hope the cool temperatures predicted for next week finally usher in Autumn, perhaps my most favorite season.  For this Saturday evening […]

A Hazy Shade of Winter

Yet another snowstorm in the South and the subsequent icy roads that caused so much havoc this past week…bad for travel, but good for spur of the moment photos.


Pretty leaves…

F100 Roll 2: Phuong

To get that Film look, you basically have to shoot film. Kodak BW400CN Black and White


Model: Minjee MUA/Stylist: Nhi Notes:  I wonder if all the girls out there realize that most guys (including myself) prefer it when you ladies are just normal, without much makeup.  We like you in t-shirts and jeans, scars and all…  Granted, the first images are beauty shots for a specific portfolio purpose, but if it […]


Model: Pauline MUA / Hair: Nhi Notes: I tend to shoot with a different style or theme than the last one.  Just a way to keep from getting bored, and also use the gear that was just sitting on the shelf.  People only see the end results, and not the general flow of the evening, […]

Ring Light

Model: Frannie MUA / Hair: Nhi Lighting Assistance and Props: BRC and PT I draw, I take photos, I write about it.  Thanks to the team for all the help.  Thanks to BRC for letting me take his ABR800 ring light out for a test drive.  It definitely produces some blinding light.  Even shooting through its “portal” has […]


MUA and Stylist: Nhi Model: Lan


MUA and Styling: Nhi Model: Ngoc

Miss Viet =)

MUA and Hair: Nhi Model: Christina, Miss Vietnam Georgia 2010 Location: My front yard 🙂 Technical Notes: All primes on this one, that is, lenses with a fixed focal length.  50mm, 85mm, and 105mm.  Have a hard time deciding which one is my favorite for portraiture, so I just use them all.

Dragon Con 2010 Photos and Portraits

Dragon Con 2010 Photos Notes: Photos and images from the annual Dragon Con parade / event in Atlanta.  Depending on where you stood, the light was really nice for photos that morning.  It makes sense to wait for the right passages of light and color, and combined with large aperture lenses to do justice to […]

Kennesaw Photo Meetup

Notes: …two cameras as usual, one existing light, and one strobist setup (off camera speedlight), both good at different things, both with lots of potential, both requiring a different way of seeing.  In the end it is still about recognizing the quality of light, if it should be added (as in using a car head light) […]


Notes: …cold wet rain actually made for the best photos of the day.  Wet pavement always enhances out of focus streetlights that add to the dreamy bokeh.  I like doing inside strobist shots (since there’s music and heat), but it’s never replacing environment shots with just one camera and a lens.  In the time it takes to fill up my […]

Kennesaw Photo Meetup

Notes: Strobist shots and photos taken with just the modeling light glow from the big studio strobes. f/1.4 is 1.4 regardless of make or model. X-processed some of the images to mimic the color cast of old film that I like. Nikon+Canon+Digital Photo Pro+Nikon Capture NX+Photoshop=low res .jpg for everyone to view.  Hey, that’s photography these days. 🙂

ATL Model Meetup

    Technical Notes: Nikon MF 50mm f/1.4 Ai-S on a Canon body.  Focus ring is nice and smooth, and the glass definitely has the vintage look from that era.  Bokeh is quite harsh and somewhat distracting compared to the newer lenses, and the lens aberrations can’t be fixed with the Canon software, but get over it, it’s digital […]