It was a fun day with my little/not so little anymore baby bear! No real plan today, just left the house with an “old” Pentax K10D, an “ancient” Nikon D100 and a Sony A7. Here’s what we did and shot on a day with really nice weather.
The morning started off with an impromptu P.E. class–shooting hoops down the road. I was horribly off today, 1/10 from 3 point land is just awful.
One of my next side themes is to try and get good work from the 18-55mm kit lenses. These are the starter/”default weapons” that usually come with entry level cameras. Often derided for professional work, there’s really nothing wrong with their simplicity and usefulness for general photography.
The new library in Norcross is really nice.
(A lot of the images thus far were taken with the Nikon D100. If you haven’t seen it yet, here’s my video on this “ancient” bargain camera!)
Next stop was the vintage book store in Chamblee to make some new cat friends.
Indonesian food at Batavia, which is basically pick a meat and two side dishes type of thing that I love at country places and of course Ingles Deli!! I had curry chicken, bitter greens, and eggplant. Sarina had curry chicken, potatoes, and egg and tofu.
The next stop was the thrift store, where I never ever paid attention to the crazy amount of tea pots and cups. Apparently that’s a thing. 😉
Last stop of the day was to pick up a mason jar of non dairy vegan alfredo sauce! It’s a bit pricey at $7.99 but obviously for us folks that can’t tolerate milk we’ll pay it. I’ve gotten it before several times and the taste is similar to or perhaps the same as vegan cheese. Since it’s more pasty as opposed to runny like real alfredo sauce, you have to change the way you put it over fettucine. Although I haven’t considered adding soy milk to make it more soupy.
So that’s it, a first adventure after….graduating high school! Congrats! My how time flies. Since this is the season for inspiring commencement speeches, I thought it would be fitting to share some thoughts blatantly lifted from the label of that fancy vegan alfredo sauce above. 🙂
“Eat like your life depends on it”™ “Never settle: make every meal exciting.”
Wow, truly excellent words to live by!