Vintage Cameras in the Spring

Nikon FA and beat up 50mm 1.4 ai-s under the peach tree

These are from a few weeks ago, but I wanted some nice “product” photos of some of my vintage cameras.  Just nice to have, and it always makes me appreciate the design and styling of these photographic tools.  And yes the Polaroid 100 still has a pack of Fuji FP-100C in it, a rare and extinct peel apart film.

Nikon FA and beat up 50mm 1.4 ai-s under the peach blossoms

Polaroid 100 with Fuji FP-100C under the peach tree

Polaroid 100 with Fuji FP-100C under the peach tree

Polaroid 100 with Fuji FP-100C under the peach tree

Nikon FA and beat up 50mm 1.4 ai-s under the peach tree

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