Friday’s Photos | Saturday’s Photos | Sunday’s Photos
Notes: My photos and observations from Momocon 2013 at the Atlanta Hilton. Traveled light (at least for me) and here are the images I got. No real gameplan, just hanging out on a Friday people watching. 🙂 More photos as I find them. Going to shows like this make me realize there are so many talented people out there. The artists gallery was pretty inspiring and at the same time deflating. If only I’d kept up the drawing and doodling, who knows. Looking at this whole scene from the outside now, makes me realize, if you jump in the deep end and stay there, well, it’s a good life where you can be amongst those with similar interests and hobbies, no need to chase things you can’t get in real life, just be content with the world of fiction and fantasy.
More pix as I sort thru them!
Thanks to everyone for posing!
Saturday’s Photos (what few I took coming up next!)
Friday’s Photos | Saturday’s Photos | Sunday’s Photos
Photos by Boon Vong. Feel free to download and share!