Canon R8 + Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8G Samples

Hello everyone, I’ve been using the R8 (Review Here) recently with my old Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8G. It’s all manual focus, manual aperture via the adapter’s ring, and no VR, but you know I think it’s workable for me. I have like 20 years experience with this lens on my native Nikons so it’s only a bit of an adjustment with this setup. Anything to get the job done, and make optimal business decisions this year for sure. For situations like a music recital where subjects are stationary, you have quite a large amount of time to nail focus. And even for the faster moving subjects like dancers it’s doable with smaller apertures. The Canon R8’s usable silent shutter and continuous mode definitely makes more sense than a DSLR when you’re trying to acquire as much material in the field in such a short amount of time.

Here are some photos showing the viability of this combo. Will continue to update this as the weeks go on as I create stuff with this new “starter” in my lineup.

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