What’s Blooming at Chattooga Belle Farm – Late March 2024

It was a lovely brisk morning at Chattooga Belle farm.  The peach blossoms here were almost peak, but the ones back in Georgia are pretty much fading and turning into green leaves.  So cool to see the flowering Asian pears too.  Will have to try all these fruits, including the blueberries and crispy apples during U-Pick season.

Gear used: my ancient Nikon D600 and a 70-200mm only at f/2.8 because the aperture lever is broken on this camera, the classic Fuji X100 that has dust spots (how?) on the sensor, a remote D5300 and a J1–totally random kit that I felt like using today.  Oh and also a film camera that I remembered to bring.

Also, for some of these photos, the AI descriptor prompt would go something like: “blooming peach trees in a grove on a green pasture with the blue ridge mountains in the background with one looking like a mini mount Fuji all at f/2.8 with nice smooth bokeh and toned with a pastel filmic aesthetic”  Or you could just hop in the car with a camera and see what’s out there for yourself. 🙂

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