Sigma SD14: Black and White conversion from an Infrared Image
Tech Notes: Well since I don’t have any friends or assistants anymore… 🙁 had to lug around my various gear. One camera is really all one needs, but shootouts like this give me an opportunity to use unique tools for different situations and different looks. I hope everyone realizes I’m not parading around cameras and imaging technology like a kid obsessed over the latest cell phone or gadget. The choices available to image creators is astounding these days, with every camera from every manufacturer and price point being good or useful in some way.
On a business daydreaming note, maybe one day any of these camera companies will pay me for using their stuff. Again, I don’t review gear, I buy them to use. Still, would be nice. You can’t make any real money being a photographer, but being a sales pitchman/gear evangelist seems to be the only lucrative thing in this field at the moment.
Thanks to EE and the Atlanta Photography Meetup for another good time at historic Oakland Cemetery. It’s had some bad luck the last few years, with the weather and hooligans, but the garden is still a nice and peaceful place to take pictures or walk around. To some it might not seem right to be having fun photography around hallowed grounds, but I know for sure everyone was respectful. If anything, seeing the graves of people should make us realize that we aren’t here for very long. To combine Walker Evans and Coldplay, Die knowing something / Nothing matters, except life and the love you make.

Sigma SD14: Black and White conversion from an Infrared Image

Nikon + Macro Lens

Nikon + Macro Lens

Canon + Nikon

Canon + Nikon

Canon + Nikon

Canon + Nikon

Sigma Infrared

Sigma Infrared

Sigma Infrared

Nikon + Macro

Canon + Nikon

Canon + Nikon + Nik Snapseed

Nikon + Nik Snapseed

Canon + Nikon + Nik Snapseed

Canon + Nikon + Nik Snapseed

Nikon + Macro, I've always enjoyed looking at records at the thrift store. They usually have some wacky photography, or feature images of pretty ladies that have no relation to the music on the LP at all.

Nikon + Macro

Nikon + Macro

Nikon + SB800 Wireless CLS

Nikon + SB800 Wireless CLS

Nikon + Macro

Sigma Infrared

Nikon 1 J1 + Nik Snapseed

Sigma Infrared

I can't take credit for thinking of this shot, it goes to Eric for thinking of placing the iPad in memorium to Steve Jobs

Lots of times the Sigma locks up on me, or does crazy things to files. Every now and then the images that I rescue in post produce some unique results.

Photo using the Fuji X100's Sweep Panorama mode