Photos from the recent Atlanta Model/Photography Meetup | May, 2008.
Been meaning to come out for a shootout for some time, but they’re always on a weekend, and of course I’m always goofing off on those days. Everyone did a great job, and it was fun shooting with people from different backgrounds and skill levels. I know we’re in an age of so called “social networking” and making “friends” online, but it’s nice to actually get out from behind the walls we tend to build up with our online alter egos. Models, if you see your photo and would like a high res file, feel free to contact me. Thanks to all the models, hair stylists, MUA’s and Atl PPR.
Technical Notes: 105mm f/2.8 VR Micro and 17-55mm f/2.8 for all of these shots. Lighting was hot lights in a softbox or gelled lights. Took some creative liberty with the white balance and color. I’m a believer in always shooting raw. It gives you a lot of image tweaking control, especially if you use Capture NX.