Here are the people that I traveled through Laos with. All amazing and kind hearted people with some connection and empathy towards Laos and its people. (Please excuse my silly bios) 🙂
1] FB
Writer, Interviewer, Cookie Thief, Author of “Voices from the Plain of Jars,” helped to expose the secret war in Laos to the U.S. Government and public. Original keeper of the bombing survivor drawings from Xieng Khouang province. Reminds me of a college professor I had in my final year. Cares more about the Lao people than most Lao people.
2] BD
Writer, Author of “Another Quiet American: Stories of Life in Laos” Highly educated lawyer, snappy dresser, having worked in the Tourism Dept. in Vientiane, knows all the good Lao Coffee shops. Really is the quiet American, that will surprise you with his Lao language skillz.
3] PU
Born in Houesai, Laos and raised in New England, she is experiencing her first trip back to Laos after 31 years. Smart lady working on her PhD at Harvard, Can’t stay still when hearing ’80’s music.
4] VV
Born and raised in Laos, Translator, Fulbright Scholar, Knows many languages. Studied in Laos, Japan, New York City, in International Relations, smart, caring, acts more Japanese than Lao, knows all the good places to eat in Vientiane. 🙂
5] OS
Actor, Refugee Nation, Talented performing artist that knows how to amplify the experiences and emotions of the Laotian Diaspora. Born in Savannakhet, and Knows that Laos is the best!
6] CK
Project Director Legacies of War, Does so much for the group and works tirelessly on this ambitious project. Kind hearted and known to buy things for street kids.
7] IK
Was born in a refugee camp in Kao-I-Dang, Thailand after her parents escaped the Killing Fields in Cambodia. Khmer American, MFA in Museum Communication. Wants to promote more Asian art in contemporary and traditional museums, laughs a lot. 😉
8] ER
Writer, was exposed to the issue of UXO’s during a visit to Laos several years ago, and wanted to help out the people of Laos.
9] TN
Well traveled MBA, having been to 27 countries. Speaks Chinese and very respectful to other cultures.
10] LC
Actor, Director/Founder of TeAda Productions, also a talented performing artist and great workshop instructor. Lao by marriage (You had me at Padek).
11] ST
Born in Luang Prabang, left at the age of 2. Works in the healthcare field, Involved in advocacy work in the Seattle area as well as work with schoolkids. Is the leading lady in the movie called her life.
12] VS
Phd, Translator, Director of Center for Lao Studies, Very knowledgeable of Southeast Asian culture and history.
13] BV
Yours Truly, Artist/Photographer, Weighs the least, but ate the most on this trip. 🙂