My Favorite Sigma X3 Foveon Portraits

Hello everyone, this month has been about avoiding the cold temperatures and re visiting my old portraits. Some I’ve been re editing just to practice with some color grades that I don’t often use, and some are just a nice stroll down memory lane. I thought I would take a crazy left turn off that […]

Black and White Conversions from Sigma Foveon Cameras

I gathered some random raw files I shot last year from my Sigma cameras and did some black and white conversions.  Some from color, and some from infrared.  You lose a bit of the drama in converting the near IR photos, but I mostly wanted to see if it’s unique enough to be doing more […]

Sigma SD14 10 Year Recap/Review

Gosh, it’s been ten years since Seng Merrill loaned me her Sigma SD14 and a couple of lenses.  I’d like to thank her for the faith in a young artist/photographer, and of course thank her late husband Dick Merrill for being one of the architects of the unique Foveon sensor design. I’ve had great fun […]


Notes:  TFP? How about RFP? Rice for Photos…as in trading time and talent for fun and food…I know this post is somewhat unrelated to the pictures, but it’s still the same old story–how does one make a living off of art?  Honestly, I don’t think you can.  About the best we can do is make sure […]