Nikon J1 and C Mount Lens
Never been photo bombed by a guy on a train before, but I guess there’s a first time for everything. 🙂
One of the reasons why I shoot so many cameras is because of the wide variety of colors that each medium or model offers. Â Fujifilm FP100C just has that Japanese sunlight quality about it that is very pretty.
Oh yeah… Sweet Hut: ★★★★★
…and then some more super model friends showed up…heehee. 🙂
These were shot back at the “studio” with the Mola beauty dish setup and my new two way mirror box. Â The picture on the right, I forgot to disable Auto ISO and you know, a mistake actually produced an image that I think is successful on a couple of levels. Â At 100% there is the watercolor effect of the in camera Noise Reduction, but it ends up making an image that looks like the rendering of a sales paper.
Kimbap, Soup broth in a measuring cup, and Korean basgetti: ★★★★☆