Everything’s Rosy :o)

Nikon J1 and C Mount Lens

Never been photo bombed by a guy on a train before, but I guess there’s a first time for everything. 🙂

One of the reasons why I shoot so many cameras is because of the wide variety of colors that each medium or model offers.  Fujifilm FP100C just has that Japanese sunlight quality about it that is very pretty.

Oh yeah… Sweet Hut: ★★★★★

…and then some more super model friends showed up…heehee. 🙂

These were shot back at the “studio” with the Mola beauty dish setup and my new two way mirror box.  The picture on the right, I forgot to disable Auto ISO and you know, a mistake actually produced an image that I think is successful on a couple of levels.  At 100% there is the watercolor effect of the in camera Noise Reduction, but it ends up making an image that looks like the rendering of a sales paper.

Kimbap, Soup broth in a measuring cup, and Korean basgetti: ★★★★☆

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