Kate 1 (20 minute figure study) 18×24″ Charcoal on Canson
Figure drawing from life is a nice change from the way I’m currently creating art, and it’s definitely different from my photography. Walk into any event featuring photographers, and you’ll have others asking you what camera or lens you use, perhaps trying to find a correlation between gear and talent. Sure, I can’t deny that the better (i.e. more expensive) tools help a person get the job done, but drawing puts things into perspective. In art class no one asks you how much the pencil costs or what brand it is. Everyone is just in there to work and get better and learn, no matter what skill level you are. The latest drawings are from an open studio class back at my old school. It’s been a long time since I’ve drawn this way, and I’m really out of shape artistically. When I look at my old drawings now, I cringe at most of them. But for a young person learning at the time, I would have to say some of the work was okay.
Kate 2 (20 minute figure study) 18×24″ Charcoal on Canson
Old Figure Drawings, Ranging from 1 min, 5 min, 10 min, and long studies.
To see if I’ve been keeping up with drawing, here are the posts tagged with Figure Drawing.