3em Entertainment
Featuring: Tuan Hung, Nhu Loan, Hoang Thuc Linh
Jacky Tai Fashion Show
Norcross, GA
Notes: Thanks to the 3em Entertainment crew for putting on a great show, and allowing me to contribute with event coverage. Thanks to all the lovely models and entertainers, stylists and volunteers.
Before getting to the event photos, here are a few BTS shots:
Before: Some small rooms to the side | After: My “studio” 🙂
…Which allowed me to get shots like the following. Forgot to take a picture of the whole space, but it was my normal and simple strobist / Nikon CLS setup. One light for most, speedlight in a softbox. Kind of last minute setup as well. I wasn’t planning on shooting this way, but the outside environments just wouldn’t have worked.
Before: Nerd | After: Model! 😛
Before: “Grand Ballroom” | After: “Da Club” 😎
Thanks to PT for being the photographer “wing man.” I like being in pitchas too ya know…
Pre Show:
Team AZN reprazent! 😉
Jacky Tai Fashion
MUA, Styling and Hair: Jacky Tai, Nhi, HVH Salon
…yes, I’m short! 🙂