Note: My website/blog has seen many changes over the years, but this is pretty much the 700th post!
Note: My website/blog has seen many changes over the years, but this is pretty much the 700th post!
We Match! 🙂
Nikon J1 and Cosmicar 25mm f/1.8 Television Lens for some unique color results.
Pretty leaves…
Douglasville, GA
Notes: First lovely day in Atlanta in a long time, brief break from the doldrums of winter. The park was packed, frisbees flying about and dogs of all coats and colors. Rode my bike around and around, cool in the shade, warm in the sunlight, just people watching. Reminded me of stuff, of growing up, […]
Notes: TFP? How about RFP? Rice for Photos…as in trading time and talent for fun and food…I know this post is somewhat unrelated to the pictures, but it’s still the same old story–how does one make a living off of art? Honestly, I don’t think you can. About the best we can do is make sure […]
Random notes: …I’m no Henri Cartier-Bresson, but with my portrait photography I always try my best to capture the peak moment of the expression. Maybe it’s the same reflexes I devoted all those years to videogames, or maybe it’s because I simply care about the person and the image I’m making for them. You aren’t […]
Misc Notes: Water museum with oddly no water and Mall of Georgia, whatever’s close by. Too cold to get into a groove, but the manual focusing is getting better… 🙂 Used Silkypix for the mkII raws, and there isn’t much under the hood of those .cr2’s, at least not as much as what I believe can […]