2nd International Lao New Year | San Francisco
Pre-festival and practicing photos from this year’s Lao New Year in San Fran. Photos by me, if anyone uses them, please credit me or my site pretty please. Captions and of course thoughts by me as well, please note that taking pictures is much easier than performing and organizing an event such as this, so many thanks to all the people involved.
LHF Kinnaly Dance Group, from Seattle practicing the blessing dance and various Lao instruments
Miss Lao International Pageant contestants practicing, or rather memorizing….”Sabaidee paw mae pee nong….” 😛
…You look familiar…heehee…
Refugee Nation and Legacies of War Booth
Jai Lao Foundation, helping impoverished children back home, please check them out.
Trying to photograph kataw (sepak tekraw) is hard with manual focus and f/1.4, but I know for sure it’s not as punishing as bicycle kicks and the bruises that plastic ball does on a body. The Hmong athletes were pretty amazing. Definitely need to start practicing and perhaps restart something here in the ATL.
Elders getting ready for the thak baht (alms giving) for the local Buddhist monks.