Fuji vs Sigma vs Nikon Color w/ Angel’s Macarons ♥

Thanks to my little/not so little ♥Angel♥ for the homemade macarons!  Too pretty to eat so I thought it would be a good opportunity to do some product photography showing what you can get with a few of my cameras–the ones that I personally think produce the nicest starting color right out of camera.  The internet really loves an argument and the endless debates over “color science” and other minor things is pretty interesting if you ever stumble into the silly world of photo forums.  In the end, shoot what you like with what you have, it really is that simple.

So here are photos from 3 different cameras.  Camera info at the end of the post.  Shot with window light in the morning at about 9:30am.  Processed from the RAW files with the picture profiles and white balance settings I had from whenever I last used them.  Like with most things in the modern digital photography world, all these colors and brightness etc can be adjusted infinitely to your taste.

Camera B

Camera B

Camera B

Camera B

Camera B

Camera B

Camera B

Camera A

Camera A

Camera A

Camera A

Camera C

Camera C

Camera C

If anyone would like to order these cute macarons LMK!!

Camera A: Sigma SD15

Camera B: Nikon J1

Camera C: Fuji X-E1

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